Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self


Voyage within yourself and bring balance back into your life…

Through the practice of yoga we are able to balance, harmonise and strengthen the body and mind. Incorporating the five basic principles of yoga into everyday life.

This helps us bring about positive change:

Exercise lubricates your joints, strentches muscles, increases circulation and flexibility.

Breathing deep breaths helps to tap into your stored energy reserves - our Prana. Most people only use a fraction of their lung capacity, breathing shallowly and becoming easily fatigued.

Relaxation is nature's way of recharging the body. Through the course of the day, your body usually produces all the substances and energy necessary for the next. However, stress, negativity and anger exhaust this energy.

Diet provides fuel for your body. Ideally foods that are pure, simple, natural, that are easily digested and metabolised. Non-processed, organic, free from chemicals, pesticides and synthetic hormones, help support your body and promote health.

Positive thinking and meditation puts you back in control. Your constantly over-thinking mind is guided to a more peaceful place