Victoria Warren

‘When the diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When the diet is correct, medicine is of no need.’


What is Nutritional Therapy?


Nutritional Therapy is the application of science in the promotion of health and wellbeing. It is suitable for everyone, particularly those with acute and chronic conditions.

Well-being + Health = Wealth


HOW DO i work?

The ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work, because we are all unique. Therfore, I personalise all nutrition and lifestyle programmes to your individual ciscumstances. Where necessary, I work alongside other medical healthcare professionals.


what to expect from a nutritional therapy session?

Before the consultation, you complete a food diary to establish eating patterns. The initial consultation itself typically lasts 60 minutes. During this session, we discuss current health concerns, symptoms, previous diagnoses and treatments, along with medical history and family history. I then evaluate the information, and using evidence-based research, develop a personalised, safe and effective nutrition and lifestyle programme for you.


Book your session - FREE Initial 10 minute talk